Start Date: 5/1/2024 12:00 PM CDT
End Date: 5/1/2024 6:00 PM CDT
Venue Name: AGC Arkansas
523 East Capitol Ave.
Little Rock, AR United States 72202
Organization Name:
AGC Arkansas
Sponsor: Equipment Share
SAVE THE DATE for our 90th Birthday Party/Open House! It'll be Wednesday, May 1 at AGC Arkansas HQ. Come see our newly remodeled training room and the future site for the physical "Hall of Fame." Our birthday will kick off with the Past President's Breakfast that morning (Past Presidents will recieve an exclusive invitation from EVP Brad Spradlin).
Then we'll kick off the cookout with Equipment Share making burgers and dogs all day starting at 11, ending at 6pm. There will be food, booze, games, cake and more! No RSVP required, just stop by and celebrate with us!