Event Calendar

Friday, June 21, 2024

Food Bank Community Service Project

Start Date: 6/21/2024 9:00 AM CDT
End Date: 6/21/2024 12:00 PM CDT

Venue Name: Arkansas Food Bank

4301 W 65th St
Little Rock, AR  United States 

Organization Name: AGC Arkansas

Jen Adams
Email: jadams@agcar.net
Phone: (501) 375-4436

Our next CLC Service Project is at the Arkansas Foodbank from 9am – noon on Friday, June 21. We need at least 10 people to help sort food, have fun and serve our community! If you’d like to sign up, please email jadams@agcar.net or mleiterman@kinco.net. 
Also, we’re collecting coats all year long, statewide for this winter. We're happy to pick them up if you have any, but we have a big box already going at the AGCAR HQ. All coats collected will be split and delivered to shelters in Central, NWA and NEA.