Start Date: 3/8/2024 11:30 AM CST
End Date: 3/8/2024 4:00 PM CST
Venue Name: Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort
2705 Central Ave
Hot Springs, AR United States 71901
Organization Name:
AGC Arkansas
Register NOW for AGC Arkansas' Annual Day at the Races! Friday, March 8 at Oaklawn Jockey Club in Hot Springs, AR. Lunch starts at 11:30 a.m. and post time is 12:30 p.m. Please join us for an afternoon of eating, drinking, networking, and betting! $75 per person includes lunch, cash bar, private betting windows, and a warm spot to spectate. Please note that the jockey club has a strict dress code that will be enforced this year: No jeans. Men must wear sportscoat/jacket, and women must wear a dress or pantsuit.