Start Date: 1/28/2025 8:00 AM CST
End Date: 3/11/2025 4:30 PM CDT
Venue Name: AGC Arkansas HQ
523 East Capitol Ave.
Little Rock, AR United States 72112
Organization Name:
AGC Arkansas
OSHA 30 classes will take place on January 28, February 11, February 20 and March 11 from 8am - 4:30pm at AGC Arkansas HQ: 523 E. Capitol Ave. Little Rock, AR. $325 for Members, $450 for Non Members. All materials and lunch included. All dates/classes must be attended. Limited space is available, so please RSVP to by January 27.
Introduction to OSHA
Managing Safety and Health
Walking and Working Surfaces
Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention and Protection
Focus Four:
-Fall Protection
-Struck By
Personal Protective Equipment
Materials Handling
Hazard Communication
Hazardous Materials (Flammable and Combustible Liquids & Compressed Gases)
Confined Spaces
Trenching & Excavation
Lockout / Tagout
Machine Guarding
Welding, Cutting, and Brazing
Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
Respiratory Protection
Industrial Noise and Hearing Conservation
Bloodborne Pathogens
Safety and Health Programs
Powered Industrial Trucks (forklifts)