AGC Arkansas BLUEPRINT - Issue 2022.2
- By: admin
- On: 07/05/2022 16:43:32
- In: General Annoucements
2Q BLUEPRINT is here! In this issue you'll meet AGC Member, Mikaila Stackhouse, and read more about how she's paving the way for women in construction! ALSO in this edition you can meet our two 2022 Knight Cashion Scholarship Recipients, get the latest update from ACEF, and more!

In the 2Q edition of BLUEPRINT you will meet Mikaila Stackhouse and learn more about how she's paving the way for young women in construction! Also in this edition you can meet our two 2022 Knight Cashion Scholarship Recipients, get the latest update from ACEF, and more! CLICK HERE OR ON THE COVER ABOVE TO VIEW
This digital edition will go out to over 1000 contacts this week and is fully clickable. For any questions, to advertise, or submit your news for the next Q3 BLUEPRINT, please call Jen at 501-375-4436 or email