- By: admin
- On: 06/21/2022 15:18:12
- In: General Annoucements
Transportation advocates gathered in the nation's capital in May to celebrate the 50th anniversary of TRIP, a national transportation research nonprofit.
Transportation advocates gathered in the nation's capital in May to celebrate the 50th anniversary of TRIP, a national transportation research nonprofit. Delayed by a year due to COVID-19, TRIP is celebrating five decades as the only national organization devoted exclusively to generating news and social media coverage of issues impacting the highway and transportation construction industry.TRIP was founded in 1971 by a cross section of leaders in the highway and transportation construction industry, with startup money from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). In the ensuing years the fundraising mantle was taken up by Bill Reece, Reece Construction, representing the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) and Don Stabler, Stabler Construction Co., representing ARTBA, who traveled the country visiting AGC and ARTBA state chapters to garner early financial support for TRIP.
“Here in Arkansas TRIP's work has been integral in conveying to decision makers and the general public the importance of adequate and sustained transportation investment,” said Don Weaver, Vice President of Weaver Bailey Contractors, Conway, AR and past chairman of TRIP.
With a committed volunteer leadership and a dedicated staff, TRIP public education efforts to generate strategic and prominent news coverage of the industry's issues and funding messages at the federal and state levels of government has never been stronger.
“TRIP continues to be a trusted voice in Arkansas and has been quite helpful in assisting our industry in securing the approval of legislation and referendums by providing facts and messages that helped build support for increased transportation investment in the state,” said DB Hill, President of D.B. Hill Contractors, Little Rock, AR.
TRIP has produced more than 600 reports in all states, providing reliable data and information that is cited in state and national deliberations on transportation policy and funding. In 2021 alone, news coverage generated by the release of TRIP's reports resulted in more than $36 million in earned media coverage.
“ARTBA's foundational investment in TRIP 50 years ago has paid great dividends,” said Steve McGough, president and CEO of HCSS, Sugar Land, TX, immediate past chair of ARTBA and current TRIP chairman. “And I can attest firsthand to TRIP's effectiveness in Texas.”
“I've long been a TRIP believer and supporter,” said Tom Brown, president of Sierra Pacific West, Encinitas, CA, and 2022 vice president of the AGC of America's board of directors. “Not only in the national forum, but also in my home state of California, TRIP's efforts have and continue to shine a light on the real needs facing our surface transportation system.”
Today, TRIP's national and state reports play an important role in addressing the nation's current and future transportation challenges. TRIP has earned its reputation as a credible source in transportation policy and is positioned to continue to communicate information and messages that will be critical in supporting the nation's ability to achieve the 21st Century transportation system that Americans need.
“TRIP's work is far from finished,” said Dave Kearby, TRIP's executive director. “Over the last 50 years the messages may change, our target audiences and the ways we reach them may change, but the need is the same. A good surface transportation network is this nation's lifeblood and we intend to ensure its future effectiveness.”
To learn more about TRIP, please visit: