- By: admin
- On: 03/01/2022 09:39:30
- In: Legislative News
The Gas Tax Relief Act, is being considered in congress, and seeks to temporarily suspend the federal gas tax due to the high cost of gasoline. AGC and other transportation stakeholders have strongly voiced opposition to this measure.
The Gas Tax Relief Act, is being considered in congress, and seeks to temporarily suspend the federal gas tax due to the high cost of gasoline.
- Support for moving the measure is hanging in the balance. While some Congressional Democrats support this, mostly those in tough races, the White House's support for it is unclear.
- Some Republicans have panned it as a political gimmick.
- However, as the future of oil prices are unclear due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, support for such a measure could gain steam as Congress may look to deflect blame on gas prices if they continue to rise or stagnate.
- Not only would such a move offer no promise of lower gas prices, as the tax is collected at the refinery which controls to what extent it's passed on to consumers, it would also jeopardize federal investment in roads, bridges, and transit over the long term as well as the funding method Congress agreed to in passing the historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in November.
- AGC and other transportation stakeholders have strongly voiced opposition to this measure.
Please reach out to your Senators and your representatives, it would be greatly appreciated. The stronger the response to this, the better. AGC has put together a template letter word document for you convenience: DOWNLOAD HERE.
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD a spreadsheet of all listed Chief, Legislative Director, and State Director staffers in AGC of America's online database for each member of Congress. It's alphabetized by state. You may use this to email the letters to them.
Whether you use the attached language or send your own personal message, if you do choose to send to send something, it would be great if the letter is sent by mid next-week (around March 9th). The earlier we get out in front of this the better.
For any questions or additional information, please contact AGC Arkansas Executive Vice President, Joey Dean at 501-375-4436 or via email at