

The Arkansas Construction Hall of Fame nominations are open until end of business on February 28, 2022. The winners will be honored at the Construction Hall of Fame Banquet on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.

The Arkansas Construction Hall of Fame recognizes, honors and celebrates the accomplishments of Arkansans who have dedicated their lives to the advancement of the built environment through their chosen fields of architecture, construction and engineering. Inductees are selected from a nomination process which measures their professional contributions, personal character and involvement in other organizations or activities that further the well being of the state of Arkansas and its communities. The winners will be honored at the Construction Hall of Fame Banquet on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.


HALL OF FAME - This award recognizes those individuals who have left a lasting footprint on the built environment in Arkansas through their work in the fields of architecture, construction and engineering. Excellence is measured not only by their professional contributions through the projects they have developed but also through the esteem and regard through which they are held by their peers and contemporaries.

Hall of Fame Eligibility, Nomination and Selection: Honorees must be members in good standing with either ACEC Arkansas, AGC Arkansas, AIA Arkansas, or ASPE and must be nominated by someone with similar standing. The honoree's outstanding leadership, service and performance must have extended for a minimum of ten (10) years. A committee of past Hall of Fame members may select honorees from the pool of nominations with no more than one (1) honoree, bi-annually, per professional discipline. Additionally, the committee may recognize a fourth additional honoree from any of the disciplines, at their discretion. The committee is not obligated to present awards in each discipline, or the discretionary award, each cycle. To nominate someone for the Hall of Fame, please CLICK HERE to access the nomination form.


CHAMPION OF CONSTRUCTION - This award is given to an individual, public official, member of any allied profession, company or not-for-profit group who exhibits vision, passion and interest in advancing opportunities for Arkansans through the development of infrastructure. This individual or entity is not affiliated with an architecture, construction or engineering firm but is worthy of recognition due to their commitment to and investment in improving the lives of their fellow citizens.

Eligibility, Nomination and Selection: Any citizen of or organization domiciled in Arkansas who meets the stated purpose of the award is eligible. Honorees must be nominated by a member in good standing with either ACEC Arkansas, AGC Arkansas, AIA Arkansas, or ASPE. The Hall of Fame steering committee, composed of staff and volunteers from the Arkansas chapters of ACEC, AGC, AIA and ASPE, may select one (1) honoree each cycle but is not obligated to do so. To nominate a Champion of Construction, please CLICK HERE to access the nomination form.


EMERGING PROFESSIONAL - This award recognizes a new professional who, through civic involvement, advocacy efforts or professional development, has advanced the public perception of those industries working in the built environment. 

Eligibility, Nomination and Selection: Honorees must be members in good standing with either AIA Arkansas, AGC Arkansas, ACEC Arkansas or ASPE and must be nominated by someone with similar standing. The honoree should either be under the age of forty (40) or have been employed in the industry for less than (10) years. The Hall of Fame steering committee, composed of staff and volunteers from the Arkansas chapters of ACEC, AGC, AIA and ASPE, may select one (1) honoree each cycle but is not obligated to do so. To nominate an Emerging Professional, please CLICK HERE to access the nomination form.

DEADLINE: Please return nomination form and all supporting documents by February 28, 2022 to AGC Arkansas, P.O. Box 846, Little Rock, AR 72203 or Questions may be directed to Joey Dean at AGC Arkansas at or 501.375.4436.
