
Upcoming Safety Courses

Check out the fall line-up of safety courses.
All courses at the Arkansas Construction Education Foundation in Little Rock. 
OSHA 30: OSHA certification on 30-hour construction
Members $300, Non-Members $350
Sept. 5, 6, 12, 13
Nov. 4, 5, 18, 19
OSHA 10: OSHA certification on 10-hour construction
Members $125, Non-Members $175
Oct. 17, 18
Dec. 12, 13
Hazard Recognition and Job Readiness: Core skills needed for career development, teaching fundamental skills essential for boosting your career, motivation, networking and time management
Members $125, Non-Members $175
Sept. 26
Confined Space: Confined space entry procedures and standards
Members $125, Non-Members $175
Oct. 4
24-Hour Fall Protection: Competent person fall protection training
Members $300, Non-Members $350
Oct. 23, 24, 25
Fall Hazards, Working from Heights: Awareness of falls, dangers and protection criteria with an introduction to the standards involved
Members $125, Non-Members $175
Dec. 19
