
Be Pro Be Proud Mobile Workshop 2.0 Launches

Don't miss unveiling Sept. 25 at Statehouse Convention Center at 10 a.m.
Be Pro Be Proud, the Associated Industries of Arkansas workforce initiative, will kick off the 2019-2020 Workshop Tour and unveil the Second Generation Be Pro Be Proud Mobile Workshop at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5 in Governor's Hall IV of the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.
The Workshop Tour is presented by Union Pacific Railroad. Other Capital Campaign team members are Ritter CommunicationsDelta Regional Authority, Arkansas Department of Career Education, AGC Arkansas, Altec, Arkansas Trucking Association, Cooper Tires, Daimler, Doggett Freightliner, Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas, Haas Automation Inc., Maxion Wheels, Naboholz Construction Services, Pace Industries, Pike Corporation, Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC), Tyson Foods, Inc. and Welsco, Inc.
Right now, tens of thousands of skilled jobs in Arkansas's construction, manufacturing, transportation and utility industries are unfilled. Be Pro Be Proud, launched on March 8, 2016, is leading the movement to bring a new generation of pride, progress and professionals to Arkansas's skilled workforce.
Be Pro Be Proud is operated through the Arkansas State Chamber's Associated Industries of Arkansas Foundation. For more information on Be Pro Be Proud, contact Director Andrew Parker at or 501-210-4202.
